Axey 1

One wicked day an axolotl... woke up at 3am

dun dun dun!!!

But the axolotl (Axey)

pressed the big red button!!!

and it fast-forwarded time!!!

But a big platinum disk came out of the sky!!!

As the tractor beam fired,

Axey remembered that his friend (Hank) flew a UFO.

When Axey was on the UFO deck,

suddenly he was beamed down but then he fell!!!

Luckily he fell onto a trampoline

and he bounced up and up and up until he reached Earth!!!

When Axey fell through the atmosphere

he crashed into a hospital and he pricked his butt on a syringe!!!

Luckily there was no blood!!!

But two milliseconds later Axey got shot with a bazooka!!!

and he was blown to bits!!!

But from bare bones he re-grew his entire body!?

(because he has super powers!!!)

A few days later Axey had regrown every part of him fully!!!

When he was fully regrown he was shipped off to Mexico

and with a splash dunked into the cold water of his home lake

He even saw his friend is the rarest type of axolotl

called a copper melanoid axolotl

The end!!!

by Hank